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11 September 2009

Full Moon Days in the Sunrise Room

This is my first attempt at a regular blog. It is for and by Lebanese constraint "in terms of religion and politics [the blogsite] …. keep[s] this [in] mind because of any censorship (as in every other Middle eastern country) and tread[s] carefully even if it's not necessary," as Helga puts it. Well, I guess that that will be challenging to say the least. I am increasingly being asked these days over what I think about, or where I will be for, the ending of the Mayan Great Cycle on the winter solstice of 2012. And of course that is one issue I wish to discuss. Another is the present 'resignation' of Obama's 'Green Czar' ostensibly for signing a petition that I also signed – that and countless others to the same effect. For the rest, whatever the consequences of seeing opportunity slip away almost on a daily basis, R & I are these days, for however long they may last, experiencing our various flows of things pretty much as we would want them.

Yes, thanks to age, there are some physical shortcomings in this mix, but taking that on as inevitable, we are still wondrously free and moving largely within affirmative orbits. This basic world flows between the United States, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands – with a hideaway or two beyond these, and in addition I describe my world as 'nomadic'. My talk for the American Academy of Religion's gathering in Montreal this November will be on 'idolatry'; and then, a month later for the Parliament of the World's Religions in Melbourne, on 'polytheism'. Both these areas are shaped for me by an understanding of 'corpo-spirituality', namely, considering the physical as spiritual. The digested argument might run something like this: If matter is not spiritual, then it is sacred; and if it is not sacred, then it is holy; and if it is not holy, then divine. This will always be my bottom line.

For now, this is only an introduction. It is Labor Day on the New England coast just after what was a fabulous week in Manhattan ('Place of Many Hills' ?), and the outside beckons. My wishes and prayers, however, are with Angie tomorrow in Chicago as she faces a major hurdle. My wishes and love are also with, as always, my Lois in San Diego. Let us all yield to the glory of being.