Hail Jupiter Optimus Maximus!
Hail too to Juno
And Minerva!
We salute the Capitoline triad.
Today we make the vow to honour and serve.
And we feast in commemoration of divine gifts.
May we also remember holy Vesta today as well!
Salve Iuppiter Optime Maxime!
Salve Iuno!
Salve Minerva!
Salve Vesta!


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As the only feriae for the month of September, today is the feast or epulum held in honour of the Capitoline triad (Jupiter Optimus Maximus, Juno and Minerva) – presumably replacing the earlier triad of Jupiter, Mars and Quirinus. Vows (vota) were made to the god on the Ides of September. A pompa or procession occurred two days later on the 15th from the Capitol to the Circus Maximus. On the Ides themselves, part of the mola salsa that had been prepared by the Vestals was used. The epulum may be similar to or derived from the daps or offering rites to Jupiter Dapalis. Cato associates the goddess Vesta with these rites as well. In time, an apparent Etruscan influence led to the use of images of the deities in connection with the sacred meal.