Hail to Jupiter Feretrius,
Lord of both this world and the next!
May you light our way to the ancestors,
May you light the way of the ‘good ones’ to us!
Salve Iupiter Feretrie!
Salve, sancta parens!

* * * * *

The nine-day Parentalia conclude with the Feralia which I have guessed are dedicated to Jupiter. The festival is designated by FP letters in the Fasti and the only two other feriae that carry this designation are the two Vinalia (April and August), both of whom are also dedicated to Jupiter. The Jupiter of the Feralia I have surmised carries the epithet ‘Feretrius’ and refers to feretrum (the bier used to carry the dead to the grave – possibly from the verb ferire ‘to strike, strike dead’) or ferre (to bear, bring’). As the lord of the otherworld, Jupiter may be seen here to be celebrated as both psychopompus or escort of the soul to the next world and as the giver of wealth. As elsewhere in the Roman calendar, a festival in honour of the dead culminates with a celebration of Jupiter, the personification of light in both this world and the next. There is with this occasion once again the atmosphere of the carnivalesque.