Hail Carmenta!
May we connect with the heart of our locality!
May we reaffirm our link to divine nature!
May we now complete our ritual tasks in your name
And move progressively forward!
We drink of your pure waters and are accordingly cleansed and renewed.
Salve Carmenta!


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The second Carmentalia, sacred again to Carmenta, link with the Ides that have preceded them via a dies intercisus. They serve calendrically to echo the Agonium-I Carmentalia coupling that begins the festivities of both the month and the year. Carmenta interchanges with Juturna who is known as the ‘wife’ of Janus and the ‘mistress’ of Jupiter. For the Romans, it is perhaps not sufficient to celebrate just one instance of the divine male and divine female dyad but to duplicate this important dynamic in a calendrical ferial statement. The second Carmentalia completes and grounds this brief celebratory moment.