Hail to Janus!
Hail to Juno Covella!
May we honour those deities that lead us into each and every month!
May we honour the new growth that is now appearing!
May we cherish the blossoming of spring and the ongoing promise of rebirth!
We honour too both Venus Verticordia and Fortuna Virilis on this Kalends of April!
Salve Iane!
Salve Iuno Covella!
Salve Dei!

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Ovid mentions the custom that developed on this day for women to bathe in the men's baths. We surmise that this was a fertility ritual that combined the idea of increase with that of purification. This was a moment that women believed that good fortune in their relations with men was auspiciously obtainable. The associations of Venus and Fortuna with the April Kalends are additamenta and later accretions. They nevertheless, as with Minerva and Anna Perenna in March, suggest an undercurrent of feminine-oriented and popular spirituality that plays a counterpart role to dies indiges worship.